I was looking for some help of writing my keyword density checker class and found this function and it is worth sharing. Have a look at it.
Function Code for calculating the word density goes as Follows:
"This is a function that is meant to calculate the density of the words from a text. Since there are many words that have less then 3 characters, I’ve decided to add a filter that will not take into account words that aren’t bigger then (X) characters (examples: if, or, is, it etc.). Also, you can setup an array with a list of words that you do not want to add in the ranking calculation." - from http://www.bitrepository.com/word-popularity-script.html
Function Code for calculating the word density goes as Follows:
<?php function calculate_word_popularity($string, $min_word_char = 2, $exclude_words = array()) { $string = strip_tags($string); $initial_words_array = str_word_count($string, 1); $total_words = sizeof($initial_words_array); $new_string = $string; foreach($exclude_words as $filter_word) { $new_string = preg_replace("/\b".$filter_word."\b/i", "", $new_string); // strip excluded words } $words_array = str_word_count($new_string, 1); $words_array = array_filter($words_array, create_function('$var', 'return (strlen($var) >= '.$min_word_char.');')); $popularity = array(); $unique_words_array = array_unique($words_array); foreach($unique_words_array as $key => $word) { preg_match_all('/\b'.$word.'\b/i', $string, $out); $count = count($out[0]); $percent = number_format((($count * 100) / $total_words), 2); $popularity[$key]['word'] = $word; $popularity[$key]['count'] = $count; $popularity[$key]['percent'] = $percent.'%'; } function cmp($a, $b) { return ($a['count'] > $b['count']) ? +1 : -1; } usort($popularity, "cmp"); return $popularity; } ?>
"This is a function that is meant to calculate the density of the words from a text. Since there are many words that have less then 3 characters, I’ve decided to add a filter that will not take into account words that aren’t bigger then (X) characters (examples: if, or, is, it etc.). Also, you can setup an array with a list of words that you do not want to add in the ranking calculation." - from http://www.bitrepository.com/word-popularity-script.html
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